SewerSydaa is one rapper that deserves more props as a lyricist than what he is getting currently. Being a member of the Wakadinali rap group, it’s a given that he is pure of talent in the rap game and he deserves some acknowledgement for putting out some good music in the industry. Every SewerSydaa’s record that he puts out teaches you something, especially about the hard and tough life in the eastlands area.
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“wewe ni best rapper ju pia unapaste rappers” quotable interesting verse off the ‘Glock’ record
The Wakadinali clique are beginning to dominate the Kenyan rap scene as we know it and listening to how true SewerSydaa is with his lyrics on most, if not all of his records, you would agree they easily resonates with the youth in the country who are currently living in the ghetto and/or shanty towns. Most of his records are testament to that truth, the truth that not most people are comfortable talking about.

If you are living in any hood within the eastlands area or you have lived there before but you have since moved out, you’d agree that whatever SewerSydaa is talking about especially on his ‘Glock’ record is something that you can actually resonate with because it’s actually what goes down in any neighborhood in the eastlands area. If you are in doubt, ask somebody from eastlands area.
Stream ‘Glock’ by SewerSydaa telling it the way it is about the life in the eastlands area.