Curious Kenyans have started speculating on former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and Miss Kibanja who’s Chipukeezy’s ex-girlfriend.
The two have shared photos on their social media pages from the same location, although days apart.
Some Kenyans have concluded that, hii imeenda simply to mean this one is a done deal.
Miss Kibanja posted two days ago celebrating her birthday.
Joho posted just hours ago on January 06, 2023.
While speaking to YouTuber Mungai Eve, Chipukeezy defended Miss Kibanja saying, she’s not a socialite, first of all. The former Churchill Show comedian refused to confirm if they still talk after their unexpected break up.
“I don’t like talking about someone who isn’t here. she has an online business, you can support her. It’s no one’s business whether I talk to her or not.” Chipukeezy said.
After posting each other for months on showing their awesome love then with Miss Kibanja, Chipukeezy reveals he had learnt a lesson. He prefers to date in private, his love life private.
“I want to be with someone and that she enjoys herself and not have the pressure that comes through social media. I have done it in the past and it’s a lesson I have learnt.” he insists.
Joho is known for flying out to premium locations worldwide for vacations to relax and unwind.
Photo of Joho and Miss Kibanja at the same location

There are no seen photos of the two together.
Kenyans will always find a way to connect people, even when they are just site seeing and not seeing each.
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