Bridget Achieng painfully narrates how her baby daddy asked her to abort after struggling to get pregnant for 5 years

3 mins read

Bridget Achieng became a mother for the first time early this year. She gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Sekani in early February 2019.

Bridget’s son was fathered by a man whose identity still remains top secret.

The baby daddy wanted her to terminate her pregnancy but she was determined to keep the pregnancy.

“When you asked me to terminate my pregnancy when I was three months pregnant I was all alone, disturbed, and depressed. I don’t know what made you go away, I don’t know what made you run away.

I kept looking at myself in the mirror and asking ‘am I ugly? Carrying this baby for the past nine months has been a dream come true.

I don’t know why God chose you to be my child’s father over the other guys who treated me better.

Wherever you are, I just want you to know that I will never hold it against you. But I just want to say thank you for giving me my son,” wrote Bridget Achieng when she gave birth to her son Sekani.

Bridget Achieng with her son Sekani
Bridget Achieng with her son Sekani

Bridget recently opened up about her struggle to get a child in her video blog. The socialite said that she unsuccessfully tried to get pregnant for five long years.

The bleached socialite revealed that two boyfriends left her because she failed to conceive when she was dating them and that they really wanted to have children with her.

“I looked for the baby for five years with my first man, it wasn’t successful. My second boyfriend, who was Nigerian, it was also not successful. My Nigerian man left me because he said I didn’t want to have a child with him,” said Bridget Achieng.

Bridget finally got pregnant while dating her baby daddy, but surprisingly he wanted her to terminate the pregnancy on discovering that she was with child.

“I was introduced to my baby’s father by a friend. I was swept off. He spoilt me. Before long I was pregnant and he was OK with it [at first] but three months later he asked me to abort. I refused,” said Bridget Achieng.