Pastor Kanyari (left). Betty Bayo and her partner Tosh (right). Photos/Courtesy

Gospel singer Betty Bayo responds after her ex-husband pastor Kanyari expressed hope for their reunion

2 mins read

Gospel singer Betty Bayo has taken to social media to share a touching moment with her partner, Tash, seemingly in response to recent comments made by her ex-husband, Kanyari.

In a heartfelt post, Bayo shared a photo of herself in a warm embrace with Tash, accompanied by their daughter.

The singer captioned the post with a poignant message: “For those trusting God for a permanent marriage partner. May God give you a prayer partner, not a prayer item.”

This display of affection comes shortly after Kanyari’s remarks during a TikTok live session.

Kanyari, during the session, expressed his hopes of reuniting with Bayo, citing the fact that she has not had a child since their highly publicized divorce.

Speaking to TikToker Choffri, Kanyari conveyed his belief that Bayo would eventually return to him, buoyed by Choffri’s prayer that Bayo would not remarry or have children with another man.

In a recent television interview, Betty Bayo made headlines with her claim that her current marriage to Tash is her first real marriage, describing her previous relationship with Kanyari as a mere ‘come we stay’ arrangement.

This bold statement prompted a response from Kanyari, who sought to set the record straight about their past.

Kanyari revealed that their union had the full blessings of Bayo’s parents and that he had paid the traditional dowry.

He pointed out that, according to tradition, the dowry should be returned to him in the event of a separation. He emphasized his enduring presence in Bayo’s life as the father of their children and expressed his deep love and affection for them.

Related: Pastor Kanyari expresses desire to remarry 10 years after his marriage to Betty Bayo ended