Diddy and Adria English. Photo/Courtesy

Adult movie star Adria English joins long list of litigants suing Diddy 

3 mins read

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs faces serious allegations from former adult film star Adria English, who filed a lawsuit claiming the music mogul groomed her into sex trafficking during his famous annual Labor Day white party.

The lawsuit marks the 10th legal action against Diddy since November 2023.

English alleges that her employment at Diddy’s 2004 white party involved mandatory narcotic consumption, with guests allegedly offering drugs, and claims Diddy laced the liquor with ecstasy.

She says she was given specific instructions on which bottles to drink from, and claims she was sex-trafficked by Diddy, Tamika Thomas, and Jacob Arabov, known as Jacob the Jeweler, from 2004 to 2009.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Diddy’s lawyer Jonathan Davis vehemently denied the allegations.

“No matter how many lawsuits are filed it won’t change the fact that Mr. Combs has never sexually assaulted or sex trafficked anyone. We live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason and without any proof. Fortunately, a fair and impartial judicial process exists to find the truth and Mr. Combs is confident he will prevail against these and other baseless claims in court.”

The lawsuit details disturbing claims.

“Despite being forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol and consume illicit narcotics, the encounters Plaintiff was forced to endure were so excruciating that Plaintiff remembers them as they still haunt her to this day.”

Initially, English viewed the white party as a legitimate employment opportunity but claims the situation deteriorated by the third party in 2006, when Diddy allegedly demanded she engage in sexual intercourse with guests, leveraging her past in adult entertainment to coerce her.

English further alleges that the extensive use of illicit drugs and alcohol impaired her memory of events, stating she could not recall details from the Miami parties due to increased demands for drug and alcohol consumption.

In addition to English, Diddy is also facing lawsuits from Liza Gardner, Jane Doe, Joi Dickerson-Neal, Crystal McKinney, April Lampros, and music producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones.

The rapper has consistently denied all claims.

The legal troubles for Diddy intensified in March when Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) officials raided his homes in Los Angeles and Miami as part of a federal human trafficking investigation.

Diddy’s lawyer Aaron Dyer criticized the raids, calling them a gross overuse of military-level force.

As the legal battles unfold, Diddy maintains his innocence and asserts his confidence in the judicial system to clear his name.

Related: Hiding evidence? Diddy wipes clean his Instagram account amid legal battles