Which Phone Company Could have produced This New Super-expensive Golden Android Smartphone? None? What! Check Inside For Answers.

1 min read

In this age of phone companies trying to outdo each other with more and more dramatic phones that essentially do the same thing, we have become numbed to the features.

Dam’n i won’t lie. If this phone were real i would not use it, i would just stare at it all day long. Beautiful!

All we care about is the price tag even if the phone might do similar functions to the phone an eighth of its price. And am o.k with that.

Let those with guap floss for us who aint got the guap so we can hate on them. Our hate needs some fuel to and these individuals make our hate club membership worth it. I actually lead a haterade squad. We meet on Thursdays at 8 in the evening Kwa Mjen’go. KOT aint got nothing on us.

Now the company that produced the phone is one called Lamborghini. I don’t think I have heard of this guys. Very strange name this Lamborghini. They apparently produce yellow cars.Yawn! Anywho, the phones specs are blah, blah, blah, blah. Got that? Good. You are now qualified to do my quiz.

Check the pics out of the Alpha One which costs 2450 dollars. Remind me not to buy a Lamborghini car. Crazy!

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