Octopizzo has made it where many thought impossible

2 mins read

Octopizzo has perfected the art of commercial hip hop in the game thus far am going to give him that, ever since he came in the music industry, rap to be specific he has been able to change a lot of stuff, hate him or love him, he has revolutionized the game since he came up with his debut hit track ‘get that mulla, buy that ndula’ everybody loved that joint, I mean everybody.

In the wake of the ‘Who is King’ battle competition, as much as folks judged him over pulling out of the competition even though he should have he had one major factor that had to be addressed before he entered the ring to battle it out with the other veteran rappers in the game, what he wanted is the guap (money).

“If there’s no money involved, I won’t trouble myself with this beef just for the mere fact of hype, I know for a fact that hype doesn’t bring food to the table, money does. So if there’s money involved count me in because I am willing to do anything and everything for money” Octopizzo said in a local interview he had earlier last week.

Today he posted a photo of him back in the day when he was just starting out in the music industry with buggy jeans, buggy polo t-shirt and feeling like a King. Octopizzo is a true epitome of success in the music industry, even though people tend to hate than love him (he doesn’t care regardless so long as he makes his money). Octopizzo is truly a King in his own right. Here’s the photo he posted

Octopizzo way back in 2011


I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.

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