Vinc On The Beat contribution to the Kenyan music showbiz is undeniable

1 min read

The youngest emerging music producer and beatmaker Vinc On The Beat has paved his way immersing himself into the Kenyan music industry like never before.

Beatkiller is his alias and like the name suggests he goes harder when it comes to beat-making.

Vinc On The Beat is a visionary producer with a lot of creative content and ideas, from his YouTube channel overview it’s evident that he is doing what no other Kenyan producer has ever tried before.

From music video reactions to creating music challenges to uplift new talented uprising artists.

His recent program called the ‘X-Producer’ is a series where he features different talented producers for a beat creation cook-up, it’s something legendary and supportive of the production industry.

The producer behind Odinare Challenge creation is now on the edge of getting the best producer recognition across the continent.

He intends to explore more avenues and pushing forward the envelope, especially his ideas across different boundaries and borders, you can check out his latest X-producer episode now available on YouTube.

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