Uhuru Will WIN Elections In 2017! Now That CORD Believes In ALL Jacob Juma’s Posts! How About That?

1 min read

Critics now are focusing on every single post that Jacob Juma published and treating each as the  Gospel. One very interesting tweet could be food for thought until poll day arrives as election experts prepare to feed us with their trails and statistics,this one will lay foundation for verdicts of the coming 2017 elections.

They are saying that,since the opposition claims that every post he did carries weight, CORD and its leaders must swallow this bitter pill.

An example of such is the allegation that DP William Ruto could have killed him, an allegation he has distance himself from.

As CORD hopes to hold demos this coming Monday in their efforts to oust IEBC commissioners for what they term as lack of confidence with the team.

This tweet by the late Jacob Juma will be on that will ignite endless debates over who has the majority of votes. It also echoes sentiments shared by IEBC’s Letangule that political parties are afraid because, they already know they are not prepared.

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