Tina Kaggia the well-respected radio queen has come out to explain what went on in her marriage with Jb Masanduku. The petite lady who had one of the best runs as a radio host gave an emotional interview to the Pulse.

The interview was noteworthy in that she does not pull any punches with her still husband getting ragged over hot coals. She came to set the record straight after having had her name mentioned alongside his. But I thought that that is what happens when two people get married? Ama?

The simple reason that they broke up is that she alleges he was an unrepentant drunk. She said:
“He was never there, he would miss important dates and his vanishing acts – where he would disappear for days – became commonplace. My son loved that guy. Whenever he walked into the room, the rest of its occupants ceased to exist and he only went for ‘Daddy Cool’…. He’s a charmer, that’s why I’d always fall for his apologies. He always called my bluff every time I told him that I would move out. By this time the stress was too much and I had even gone through treatment for depression. We took a retreat to Mombasa to sort things out but he went back into his old habits as soon as we returned.”
You would think that things would now change but they remained the same with JB not changing his ways. She continued:
I disappeared for four months because I needed medical attention for depression; I was suicidal at this point. I had to go through physical de-cluttering since almost everything I had brought back memories of our time together; I gave out most of my clothes and had to pick out new ones from my sister. I hope he’s well and I have forgiven him. There was a time I would not even mention his name but recently I even managed to sit through an episode of Comedy Club where he featured that was being repeated on TV… I could not have done that several months ago,
This story is both has sad and good news. Good that Tina is starting to get her life together but sad that the other side of the coin for this story is unheard of. Where is he and what would he say about her tale of the story? Hmm?