Forget the handsome cop, meet Gabu Fords

Apparently, most women are into tall, dark, chocolate and handsome kind of men, and Gabu Fords perfectly fit in that category very seamlessly. Gabu Fords is a student currently studying Journalism and

hunk of the day, Frankie Kiarie of Just Gym It

He is a personal trainer and the founder of ‘JustGymIt'(Fitness & Nutrition Consultancy ). Frankie Kiarie is a well established trainer, body fitness and somewhat a model (though this is not yet

hunk of the day: Bashka The Model

He is a well accomplished model, business man, host and a fashionista and everybody who knows him adress him by his moniker Bashka The Model or simply by his formal name Bashir

The Hunk: None Other Than The Maestro Nameless

Due to overwhelming demand from the lady fans, we finally obliged to start up a ‘The Hunk’ section specifically for the ladies like myself(blush) since the men have been sorted out with