Nasra Yusuff, a 26-year-old comedienne who is also an actor has officially been spoken for. The comedienne was swept off her feet after the love of her life, Rashid bin Abdallah proposed to her in front of her friends and family. Rashid bin Abdallah popularly known as Director Rashid and
Read MoreFormer Churchill Show comedienne Nasra Yusuf broke up with her Coasterian husband director Rashid after five years of marriage. Nasra lamented that she lost everything because of a marriage that she was
Comedian Nasra Yusuf ex-husband Rashid Abdalla alias Director Rashid decided to erase all memories of his ex-wife by deleting all of her photos from his social media pages. Rashid further took a
Former Churchill Show comedienne Nasra Yusuf has broken up with her Coasterian husband director Rashid after five years of marriage. Nasra lamented that she lost everything because of a marriage that she
Comedian Nasra Yusuff is single after breaking up with her husband Director Rashid. Nasra Yusuff is describes herself as a creative genius, standup comedian, Mcee and write. Seems like many celebrity marriages
Comedienne Nasra Yusuf raised eyebrows when she took to social media to flaunt a receipt showing that she had spent a whopping Ksh59,200 on breakfast alone. “My breakfast today…59200…and still counting,” she
Former Churchill Show comedienne Nasra Yusuf has revealed that she will help her husband director Rashid choose another wife when he decides to be polygamous. The comedienne opened up about embracing polygamy
Nasra Yusuff, a 26-year-old comedienne who is also an actor has officially been spoken for. The comedienne was swept off her feet after the love of her life, Rashid bin Abdallah proposed