Ringtone hasn't just banned Gengetone, he has also shunned Bahati. Photo credit: Instagram/ringtoneapoko
Ringtone hasn't just banned Gengetone, he has also shunned Bahati. Photo credit: Instagram/ringtoneapoko

Ringtone declares Gengetone is dead, throws Bahati under the bus

2 mins read

Ringtone Apoko, a controversial gospel musician from Kenya has since taken to social media to go straight at fellow gospel musician, Bahati.

The singer took to social media to call out Bahati for not only working with secular artiste but also cutting singles with Gengetone artistes and deeming them gospel records.

Bahati has since worked with Boondocks Gang on his ‘Taniua’ song, ‘Bambika’ with Ethic who are both Gengetone groups.

Bahati has recently worked on a project with secular artistes, Mejja and Madtraxx on the ‘Kererembe’ record.

“… we must guard the gates, we are gatekeepers,”

Ringtone said in part.

Taking to social media, the self-proclaimed Chairman of gospel music in Kenya.

Apparently this doesn’t sit well with Ringtone and he decided to speak on it to express where he stands when it comes to Bahati working with Gengetone, secular artistes.

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“I would like to communicate a few measures we’ve taken to be able to contain the spread of Gengetone virus in the gospel music fraternity.” Ringtone said, “So we’ve hereby banned a musician, a Gengetone artiste by the name Bahati from performing ever again in all churches.

So we are hereby advising all youth pastors, all deacons, all youth ministers not allow the said person, the Gengetone person from coming to your church so that we can be able to contain this spread of the virus called the Gengetone music in church[sic].”