Man of God Pastor Ezekiel Odero, please come slowry! here’s my open letter to you

8 mins read

Pastor Ezekiel Odero of the New Life Ministry based in Mavueni has become an instant hit and sensation after filling Kasarani Stadium to the brim, congratulations Evangelist and Man of God.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero is a respected leader in the church and community.

He is known for his commitment to the church and his willingness to help those in need. However, recently, it has been noticed that Pastor Odero has been moving too fast in his work and ministry.

Fame is a bad disease that can engulf you but it can also be manure with which you can use to grow fodder and increase your followers as their shepherd.

We’ve seen many great men of your irk and the kind rise and fall like it actually happened, and today they are nowhere to be seen or heard like they used to; by grace or destiny.

I’ve seen reports that you alleged that the people with the Kenyan flag wristband could potentially be going through hardship in their marriages, and I feel, you are moving in the wrong direction with that, kindly stay on your Gospel lane and call out evil in the society, a wristband has no effect on married people.

They have the power to decide what they want to do, with or without the wristbands, unless they are charmed; for the scriptures say witchcraft and sorcery exist with mankind.

Ezekiel You said that deras, are “demonic” and worn by side chicks who break up marriages.

As for the women wearing deras; having operated from the coast for a while, this is basic knowledge. The deras are won by women because of the excess heat and they allow for the free flow of air and make it comfortable.

Although there are a few who over-sexualize this important dress; the call out should have been specific and not generalized.

Pastor Ezekiel, you are a passionate leader who is always looking for ways to help others. You are eager to take on new projects and initiatives,  kindly keep to that route; Don’t let the attention you are currently receiving blind your mission.

Win hearts and souls to Christ’s message, these other side shows can lead to your message being seen as lame and not factual, as it has happened with the wristband this week.

Instead of focusing on your mission, many Kenyans are now digging out in preparation for your day of judgment, you should be aware of this already.

Unfortunately, they have receipts in stock safely stored, memes, videos, and all kinds of paraphernalia just waiting to argue out then, the status quo and point of relevance and correction in case you have some skeletons hidden somewhere; you’ve seen this happen to men of God before you, it can still happen again, we are all humans, we make mistakes.

Although it is important for you to find a balance between religious work and social life as an influential leader; I think then you should have sufficient data to back your topics, before sensationally castigating and driving certain opinions based on your own understanding, maybe experience and beliefs.

Take time to rest and recharge so that you can continue to be an effective, believable church and ministry leader, the media will still be here until Christ returns. Don’t feed them with the low value content please.

Pastor, going forward, I feel you should also consider future consequences of your actions, words before-hand. Kindly take the time to think through the potential outcomes of videos, speeches and messages in sermons you make;weigh the pros and cons.

This will help you to make informed decisions that will benefit both yourself and those of New Life Ministry members that you serve, and the third group of fans, the “We shall see”, “One day” and the “Let’s wait and see how far he will go, so and so were here before the internet”.

Come slowly Pastor Ezekiel. slowing down will many benefits in the long run, short time is just fame, followers, notoriety and a little valuable impact.

Taking time to rest and recharge will help you to stay on message, mission, on target, energized and focused on your work. Rather than trying to explain what you meant in your videos later when they’ve gone viral already.

It will also give you the opportunity to reflect on decisions and consider the potential outcomes and the after effects.

Taking the time to think through your decisions will help you to make wise choices that will be beneficial at the end of it all.

Slowing down will also help you to build trustworthy relationships with those you serve, which is essential for any successful leader.

Finally, Kenyans are currently more than overwhelmed by your sudden celebrity status Pastor Ezekiel Odero.

They feel you, they believe in you, thousands if not millions adore you. You’ve read their feedback in regards to your recent opinion on marriage, the iconic Kenyan flag wristbands and deras.

One thing I can for free say to you is; among the lovers of your enchantment, there lives a multitude of those who have questions, doubting Thomas-es and many others still silent in disbelief of what you achieved at Kasarani Stadium, that has turned all the attention to you. I guess you saw this even before you started your ministry calling, right?

These batch will be patiently waiting for that time and day, your worst moment arrives, GOD FORBID! to make merry and rejoice when your eminent downfall beckons; we have no control over this sir.

I hope this letter finds you before your next public sermon.

All I can say Pastor Ezekiel is; to watch your steps and slow down, come slowry in order to be an effective, purposeful, reliable and respectable leader, kindly cut the side shows.

God bless you!

Robert Makasi.

Read Also:“We may differ on doctrine and methodology!” is Pastor T Mwangi calling out Pastor Ezekiel Odero?

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