Otile Brown performed for his fans on the 'Just In Love Live Show' for hours. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown
Otile Brown performed for his fans on the 'Just In Love Live Show' for hours. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown

Otile Brown proved he’s a performing artiste in Just In Love Live Show

1 min read

Otile Brown just proved that he’s a serious and complete artiste in the music industry today who is more than equipped to take the Kenyan music to international pedestal and stardom.

Otile Brown had one of the best live performances yet that has been seen in the music industry for a while.

He had his anticipated ‘Just In Love’ live show streamed live on YouTube yesterday at night that caused him to trend on Twitter before the actual live performance show went down.

Otile Brown had a live performance set that saw him perform numerous hit records and with class and finesses as well.

Stream Otile Brown’s debut studio album ‘Just In Love’

Brown changed wardrobe numerous times on his 1 hour, 33 minutes-long performance and while at it, gave massive shout out to his former artiste, Jovial, and even performed ‘Amor’ record with her.

 Fans can't seem to get enough of Otile Brown's performance yesterday dubbed 'Just In Love Show'. He brought out other established artistes. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown

Fans can’t seem to get enough of Otile Brown’s performance yesterday dubbed ‘Just In Love Show’. He brought out other established artistes. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown

Otile Brown brought out Jovial, Kidum, Timmy Tdat, Prezzo for the ‘Just In Love’ live show to help him perform the collaborative hit records they have worked with Otile Brown on.

Watch Otile Brown’s ‘Just In Love Live Show’ below

I am a Pan-Afrikanist to the core and love to let the world know what they are missing in Africa. I might do that through music and some interesting posts from time to time so please bare with me.

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