Otile Brown happy in Coast

Otile Brown: I never seduced Vera Sidika, she did

1 min read

Apparently Vera Sidika was the one who seduced Otile Brown, not the other way around.

Otile Brown speaking at Wasafi FM opened up about his past relationship with socialite, businesswomen Vera Sidika and said that for starters he never liked even loved her from the get-go.

“One thing people should understand, is the me, sijawahi mtamani”

Otile Brown on dating Vera Sidika.

Otile Brown said that Vera Sidika reached out to her when he was working on his hit song dubbed ‘Chaguo La Moyo’ together with Sanaipei Tande.

“She reached out, that’s what people should know you know, she was calling me every single time I was working on the ‘Chaguo La Moyo’ song.

I never used to pick up her phone calls. One thing people understand is that I never desired her. I just want to clear this once and for because you know I am a gentleman and there some stuff people things that I am the one in the wrong because of my silence.” Otile Brown said on Wasafi FM in Tanzania.