Otile Brown finally has given the meaning behind the tattoo in one of his legs. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown
Otile Brown finally has given the meaning behind the tattoo in one of his legs. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown

Otile Brown explains the meaning behind his leg tattoos

1 min read

Otile Brown has his fair share of tattoos on his body and even though he doesn’t have so many tattoos, he has meaning behind his tattoos.

One of the many tattoos Otile Brown has on his body that people actually know about is that one of his mother on his forearm but his other tattoos, not so many people know about them.

Thanks to one ardent fan of the ‘Quarantine’ hitmaker, we finally get to know the meaning behind some of his tattoos.

A fan went on to ask the meaning behind Otile Brown’s right leg tattoo which not most people apart from the people on his inner circle knew the meaning behind the legs tattoos.

Otile Brown showing off his leg tattoos. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown
Otile Brown showing off his leg tattoos. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown

Just for the record, Otile Brown has tattoos on both his legs but he only explained the meaning behind his right leg after a fan asked him about it.

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Otile Brown explained the meaning of his right leg tattoo and reiterated that he liked it and that’s why he decided to have it on his body forever.

The meaning behind Otile Brown’s right leg tattoo means; “means hear no evil”