Nyashinski released his debut studio album dubbed 'Lucky You' which has well curated tracks without any features whatsoever. Photo credit: Instagram/realshinski
Nyashinski released his debut studio album dubbed 'Lucky You' which has well curated tracks without any features whatsoever. Photo credit: Instagram/realshinski

Nyashinski says his ‘Lucky You’ album is the best studio album out

2 mins read

Nyashinski has finally released his debut studio album dubbed ‘Lucky You’ and it was worth the wait even though he didn’t actually let his fans know that he was working on it.

Nyashinski released the highly anticipated studio album without any features from anyone whatsoever took to social media to let the people know that he is more than proud of putting out a masterpiece of a project for everybody in the world.

Nyashinski real name Nyamari Ongegu who was a former member of the rap group, Kleptomaniax has shared that he believes he has the hottest studio album out currently and he doesn’t have any apologies about that whatsoever.

“This is what I’m trying to say, album yangu ni kali, ni deadly sana,”

Nyashinski said on a video he shared online.

This is the first studio album Nyashinski has ever put out ever since he came in the music scene with a Beats Ya Keegah hit record dubbed ‘Now You Know’ back in 2016 after a 10-year-long music hiatus after staying in the U.S. during that time while working as a truck driver.

Stream Nyashinski’s debut album ‘Lucky You’ studio album

Since Nyashinski came back in the music industry three years ago, he has gone to earn himself numerous accolades in the rap scene, he’s also regarded as arguably the best rapper alive in Kenya and/or the entire East African scene always making hits without collaborations.

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