“I am not an outsider” Peter Kenneth tells off Jubilee rivals

2 mins read

Peter Kenneth who was once an MP for Gatanga has thwarted the harsh claims by his gubernatorial ‘rivals’ that he is an ‘outsider’ by saying that he has lived in the city more than all of them( referring to senator Mike Sonko, MP for Dagoretti South, Dennis Waweru, Johnson Sakaja who is a nominated MP and Margaret Wanjiru who is also a former MP for Starehe and a Bishop) and claimed that’s strange since the people who are labeling him an outsider, he has lived in the city for a long time than them

“I was born and bred in the harsh areas of  Nairobi’s Eastlands, I schooled in Nairobi and have worked here my entire life. I have lived in the city longer than all of them combined” Peter Kenneth who is also vying for the Nairobi governor seat said

“I believe Jubilee is an open party that welcomes new members. Why should people set conditions for me?” Peter Kenneth

It gets interesting after Senator Mike Sonko asked Peter Kenneth while he was attending a church service in Mathioya on Sunday where he was in the company of Tharaka Nithi Senator, Kindiki Kithure to first prove his loyalty by first campaigning for the President, Uhuru Kenyatta before he campaigns for a seat as the Nairobi governor since he opposed the President in 2013.

Sonko sensationally claimed that Kenneth had offered him KSh. 1 billion to drop his bid for the city’s top job, claims Kenneth has denied.

“Why should I bribe anyone for anything in the first place?” he said. “I believe Jubilee is an open party that welcomes new members. Why should people set conditions for me?”

As reported first on standardmedia.co.ke