The award-winning musician, Nikita Kering' has finally graduated from her A-Level education. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering
The award-winning musician, Nikita Kering' has finally graduated from her A-Level education. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering

Nikita Kering’ finally completes her A-Level education

6 mins read

Nikita Kering’ has achieved a whole lot more in music at a very tender age and she’s just starting out.

Nikita Kering’ is a two-time Afrima award winner and she’s not even 19 years old.

Ever since she broke out in the mainstream music scene when she was only 16 years old with her timeless, hit record dubbed ‘Happy With You’, Kering has never looked back in chasing her music dreams of becoming the next big thing Kenya has ever seen when it comes to music.

What makes Kering’s case rather unique is that she has managed to achieve a whole lot of accolades and recognition around the globe, especially in Africa while she was still in school.

I guess now the beautiful and talented young musician has sights on her musical success now that she has already completed her A-level education from the Brookhouse School.

Nikita Kering’ has finally graduated and she’s over the moon about the same.

Taking to social media, she expressed how happy she has been after reaching such a milestone in her life while juggling between studies and music at the same time.

Nikita Kering holding her two Afrima awards that she won last year. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering
Nikita Kering holding her two Afrima awards that she won last year. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering

“yeah, I flopped some tests here and there because of music, and flopped some performances because of too much classwork.” Nikita Kering’ opened up on Instagram. “So, I chose to PRIORITIZE.”

Nikita Kering’ wins big in Nigeria becoming the youngest winner at Afrima Awards ever

“At times this could mean sacrificing an important step in my career, but I knew that I’m just making the necessary steps to ensure that my future is buckled up and chilling just a bit for the takeoff.”

Nikita Kering'. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering as taken by Instagram/vincephotography_ke
Nikita Kering’. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering as taken by Instagram/vincephotography_ke

“One of these being, holding off my music for a bit. And I know, y’all have REALLY waited… But so have I! And in many ways I’m grateful because I’ve had some time to grow up and learn more about this crazy music industry.” she added.

Nikita Kering'. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering as taken by Instagram/vincephotography_ke
Nikita Kering’. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering as taken by Instagram/vincephotography_ke

Even though she has finally completed her A-Level education, the award-winning teenager hasn’t officially opened up about releasing new projects just yet but not in the same exact words, she might have hinted that there might be some songs on the pipeline that she might just release if we stay calm.

Nikita Kering'. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering as taken by Instagram/vincephotography_ke
Nikita Kering’. Photo credit: Instagram/nikita_kering as taken by Instagram/vincephotography_ke

“so now I’m equipped to share with you guys the Vulnerable, Emotional, and Rebellious sides of myself that have been quite suppressed over the years,” she added on her lengthy post.

Nikita Kering’ has so far released two songs thus far in ‘Happy With You’ and ‘Tragedy’ in her successful music career, she was also a recipient of Mr Eazi’s Empawa program under which she was able to release her hit song ‘Tragedy’.

Nikita Kering’ was indeed born to be a musician, she’s like a Beyonce in the making and as I said, she’s just beginning her global dominance.


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The one question every single interviewer always asks me is, “How do you balance school and music? ” and the easiest way to answer was “I just plan myself and prioritise”. However, the one thing I never forget to add is that it has been one of the hardest things to do! (And don’t forget btw… This is A-levels, not uni😂😭😷. I actually have class the WHOLE day…no free periods or anything). And yeah, I flopped some tests here and there because of music, and flopped some performances because of too much class work. So, I chose to PRIORITIZE. At times this could mean sacrificing an important step in my career, but I knew that I’m just making the necessary steps to ensure that my future is buckled up and chilling just a bit for the take off. One of these being, holding off my music for a bit..And I know, y’all have REALLY waited… But so have I! And in many ways I’m grateful because I’ve had some time to grow up and learn more about this crazy music industry. And so now I’m equipped to share with you guys the Vulnerable, Emotional and Rebellious sides of myself that have been quite suppressed over the years. Soo, Let the journey begin! 🎊😅😊 Photos taken by the amazing @vincephotography_ke with assistance from @coddymuttai #classof2020

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