Miss Mandi has finally apologized after she got called out on social media over bullying claims at workplace. Photo credit: Instagram/missmandii

Miss Mandi apologizes after getting called out for bullying allegations

6 mins read

Miss Mandi has finally apologized on her social media issuing a public statement that was her public apology after she was called out by her former colleague Koome Gitobu on Twitter.

Koome Gitobu’s calling out Miss Mandi on Twitter made the media personality and YouTuber trend for three consecutive days on top trending topics in Kenya on Twitter.

Miss Mandy whose real name is Mandi Sarro finally addressed the work bullying allegations leveled against her by KOT [Kenyans on Twitter] by saying that she’s since grown and didn’t intend to cause any harm to anybody when she was interacting with them years ago.

“To all those that have recounted particular negative experiences that involved me, please know that while my intentions were never to cause you harm and what I can now see was deep trauma, I acknowledge that my words and actions could have caused them. For that, I apologize. I feel terrible that some of my actions could have caused those who have interacted with me such distress because that is not who I am now, or what I stand for,” part of her official statement read in part.

Miss Mandi says that she’s been on a journey to see her grow as an individual in an effort of self-improvement for the past ten years reiterating that she intends in working to become the best version of herself.

Below, is what her apology read in its entirety.

“On the 19th of January 2022, a conversation began on Twitter highlighting some difficult experiences that one of my former colleagues had while working with me 9 years ago at 1 FM. Over the last three days, I have taken the time to think deeply and reflect about those incidents to understand the entire situation and I have the following to say regarding the issue.

Like many of us, I am using these later years to reflect on who I have been in the past to others and who I hope to be moving forward. In all honesty, I do not recall the many experiences recounted online, but that does not negate that those moments could have impacted those I have worked and interacted with negatively. I can also see how those experiences contribute to the overall “mean girl” culture that is perceived to be a part of the media industry here in Kenya. I do not wish to contribute to that culture and I mean that sincerely.

As I grow older I have ensured to continuously correct my behavior at the earliest opportunity and learn from my past mistakes and interactions. Life has definitely made me more empathetic. Although this entire conversation has taken on a life of its own, I still see this as another opportunity for self-improvement and I do not intend to waste it.

To all those that have recounted particular negative experiences that involved me, please know that while my intentions were never to cause you harm and what I can now see deep trauma, I acknowledge that my words and actions could have caused them. For that, I apologize. I feel terrible that some of my actions could have caused those who have interacted with me such distress because that is not who I am now, or what I stand for.

Finally, as I myself stated in the tweet that has sparked this whole conversation, accountability is important. While I stand by those words, I also believe that this would have been possible without all the painful and hurtful comments that have flooded the internet over the past few days. But more importantly, this incident has highlighted how important it is for all of us to have healthy and just avenues to resolve workplace conflict. With my own experiences as an employee in the past and as an employer now myself, I cannot underestimate how important it is to create safe workspaces for all I come into contact with. So I pray and hope that anyone who may have been hurt by my previous colleagues will find new ways to address those conflicts which allow them to be genuinely resolved.

I’ve been on a journey of self-improvement for the past decade and that path is going to continue. We are all more than our worst moments. I will continue to work to be the best version of myself. The world needs more kindness and love and I want to continue to contribute to it.

Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to speak with me regarding this. Your counsel will not be in vain.”

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