meet Anna Mutheu the millionaire witchdoctor who lives like a queen at her expensive palace!

3 mins read

Well,witchcraft is a very lucrative business,and they say presence of witchcraft is easy to detect. This are the men and women who offer solutions to mankind for a variety of problems using mysterious powers.

It is worth noting that each and every tribe/community has these individuals.

So,what are the key telltale signs that one subscribes to their services.

Those who have visited witchdoctors display razor blade cuts on various parts of their bodies; others walk around carrying the paraphernalia associated with their beliefs.

“Believers in witchcraft normally have their homes treated – this usually involves a witchdoctor visiting the home at odd hours, going around the homestead either sprinkling the blood of some slaughtered animals or chickens and burying some concoctions within the homestead”, explained Anna Mutheu Ndunda, a famous traditional healer with a big clientele from the region.

She said this was believed to cushion any attack, be it physical or through remote control.

Ms Mutheu said confessed Christians and Muslims formed part of her clientele.

“Some of my clients don’t want to be identified but they are not small people,” she said, adding, “you will be surprised if you get their names.”

She went on: “On Sundays you see them in church leading proceedings, but by the end of the day they visit me and they leave with my concoctions.”

“The belief in witchcraft is rife in the region, in Makueni just like in other parts of Ukambani, we have Christians by day and traditionalists by night,” said the local Catholic bishop, the Rt Rev Martin Kivuva.

Dr Kivuva said the presence of signs guiding people to witchdoctors’ homes was a clear indication that Christianity and traditionalist witchcraft coexisted.

“Those who practise witchcraft are traditionalist and they are many,” said Bishop Kivuva.

“Witchdoctors are in business. They thrive because they have many clients. Unfortunately they don’t expose themselves when they seek their consultations,” he added.

Islamic preacher Imam Ali Anas said witchdoctors and witchcraft had remained part and parcel of mankind since time immemorial.

“They are forces that came into being to counter any good thing that God gave to mankind, both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran talk about them and we should not be surprised to see the trade thriving”, he said.

Well madam Anna Mutheu now lives in a house estimated to be worth about 40M. She says that her trade has brought her wealth.

Anna Mutheu also reveals that she attends church like her neighbors.

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