Narc-Kenya Party leader Martha Karua opens up on working with DP William Ruto ahead of the 2022 Presidential elections

Martha Karua speaks on the potential of becoming DP’s running mate in 2022

3 mins read

Martha Karua, the iron Lady, the Narc-Kenya Party leader has finally opened up about the potential of working with Deputy President William Samoei Ruto in the upcoming Presidential elections in 2022 putting the matter to rest once and for all.

During his recent interview with Inooro TV on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, Martha Karua opened up about not being interested in being Deputy President William Ruto’s running mate because she has her own plans for herself in 2022.

Speaking in the interview, she said that she would easily reject any offer presented to her to Join Ruto’s camp as his preferred Deputy President.

Despite her earlier ambitions of becoming Kenya’s future President, Martha Karua disclosed that she won’t vie for the top seat in the Republic of Kenya because she has her eyes set on the Kirinyaga County Governorship position.

Karua who strongly believes that she won the hotly contested Kirinyaga County Gubernatorial elections in 2017 says she’s more than ready and willing to vie for the Presidency position in the foreseeable future.

“I have said this time and time again, my only political interests are to run for the gubernatorial seat of Kirinyaga County. I have no interest in being Ruto’s running mate,” she said in part.

She went further to explain herself on her future plans.

“I won that seat(Kirinyaga) in 2017 but my victory was stolen and that’s why I want to serve my people. If God gives me more years, I still would want to be President in the future,” Karua added.

The Narc-Kenya Party leader who is also the former Minister of Justice stressed the importance of Mt. Kenya leaders joining hands ahead of the 2022 general election and push one person for the top position in the Republic.

“We need to plan ourselves. As Mt. Kenya leaders, we cannot wait for others to draw up their game plan while we sit around. If we don’t plan, others will plan ahead of us,” she said.

Karua questioned why the President has been excluding Mt. Kenya leaders in the State House meetings that he usually has with opposition leaders that happened in Mombasa County.

“It is peculiar how the President has not been inviting Mt. Kenya leaders to his recent Mombasa meetings.

I think the President wants to make sure that no Mt. Kenya leader is on the table in order to intimidate them and later extend his political interest of being the region’s preferred political leader when he comes out of office next year,” Karua noted.

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