Getting An A in KCSE is No Big Deal! NTV’s Larry Madowo Says As He Reveals What He Got

2 mins read

NTV anchor and show host Larry Madowo has revealed what he scored in the Kenya Ceritificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination.

Madowo said that he performed ‘poorly’ in the national exams prompting his relatives to demand that he repeats Form Four.

“I left high school with a B minus, the final sentence after four years of massive potential but hardly any focus,”  Larry Madowo says.

The journalist noted that he was opposed to the idea of repeating the class and rebelliously went against his relatives’ wishes.

“That was never going to happen as I had already developed a healthy disdain for academics in general, and its most favoured method of torture in particular – examinations,” he wrote in his FrontRow column on the Daily Nation.

In his article titled ‘So you got an A in KCSE? Big deal! It has lost meaning today’, Larry Madowo penned down how the most coveted top grade had become meaningless following the widespread cheating in the national examinations.

He stated that contrary to the perceived notion that grade A was the ultimate definition of how one’s life would end, there was more to education than a mere grade which could easily be attained through cheating.

Larry Madowo drew examples from his life noting that he may have flunked in the exams, but that was not the end of what he could be.

“I decided to talk up my non-existent skills into gainful employment. Much to everyone’s amazement — mine the most — I convinced a bunch of suits to hire me. So you see, an A is not everything,” the press-man noted.