KRG using a phone. Photo/Courtesy

“It’s all Inheritance, not hard work!” KRG the Don opens up about the source of wis Wealth

2 mins read

In a shocking revelation, Kenyan dancehall icon KRG The Don has peeled back the curtain on the true origin of his staggering wealth.

Contrary to popular belief, the star confessed that his fortune is primarily inherited, shunning the notion that he’s amassed his riches through sheer grit and toil.

“I must come clean – most of my wealth isn’t from my own sweat and tears, but rather from inheritance. These properties existed long before I graced this earth; they were bequeathed to me, not by choice, but by chance,” KRG candidly disclosed.

Opening up about his decision not to transfer ownership of these assets into his own name, KRG cited a deep-seated reverence for his ancestors and those who preceded him.

“I’ve never felt the need to rebrand these holdings under my own name. They belong to a lineage far greater than myself, and it would be disrespectful to alter their legacy,” he remarked.

However, KRG’s admission hasn’t been without its challenges. The star confessed to avoiding the premises of his inherited estates for several years, citing a lack of personal connection.

“I haven’t stepped foot in some of these properties for ages. Frankly, I don’t see the point,” he admitted.

But KRG isn’t just a music maestro; he’s also a savvy businessman, having owned the renowned club ‘Casavera.’

However, in a recent announcement, he revealed plans to shutter its doors temporarily, citing stiff competition from emerging rivals.

“With new players like Quiver on the scene, we’ve had to rethink our strategy. Closing down temporarily allows us to reinvent ourselves and emerge stronger,” he explained.

KRG’s candid revelation offers a rare glimpse into the complexities of wealth, inheritance, and entrepreneurship in today’s fast-paced world.

Related: KRG vows to spend Ksh1 Million to retrieve his stolen iPhone