KRG the Don. Photo/Courtesy

KRG: I turned down Ksh10 million offer to join Gen Z protests

4 mins read

Kenyan artist and entrepreneur KRG The Don has taken a firm stand in favor of government support, despite facing widespread criticism for his views.

The talented singer recently stirred controversy after questioning the participation of Gen Zs in protests, revealing that he was offered a substantial sum to join the demonstrations but opted to remain loyal to his principles.

In a candid interview with SPM Buzz, KRG emphasized his understanding of the frustrations felt by younger generations, stating that their pain resonates with him.

KRG revealed that he was approached with offers of up to Ksh10 million to join the protests but turned them down, reinforcing his loyalty and integrity.

“You cannot buy me with any amount of money. Sh10M ni kama pesa ya kununua mayai na kachumbari to me,” he declared, underlining his determination to remain true to himself rather than succumb to financial incentives.

KRG, known for his clever wit and intelligence, articulated his belief in taking a different approach to instigate change.

He remarked, “Am one man who is very cunning coz najikubali… Am very smart and very intelligent person. I listen and I know when am wrong or right,” showcasing his capacity for introspection and growth.

Delving deeper into his stance, KRG questioned the rationale behind protesting against the president, challenging protesters to consider the implications of their actions.

“So many things were happening at that ya maandamano… Who is this person that we are going to fight? The president right?” he pondered, pushing back against the notion of confrontation and instead advocating for constructive dialogue.

The musician asserted that Gen Zs should grant the government time to address issues and create a conducive environment for business.

He cautioned that many who criticize President Ruto at present lack a clear strategy for moving forward.

“Am a very patient person. I give human beings very many chances… Do we have a candidate? No we don’t. Do we have a budget? No we don’t,” he explained.

Using a poignant analogy, KRG compared the government to a household, explaining the complexities of leadership and responsibility during challenging times.

Drawing parallels, he noted that while the president may be abroad seeking international assistance, the household dynamics shouldn’t incite chaos or discontent.

“This doesn’t mean we burn the house,” he stated, highlighting the importance of unity and resilience.

While acknowledging that some government officials may have fallen short of expectations, KRG stressed the importance of patience and time for those in power to adapt and improve.

“If someone doesn’t deliver, we will return to social media,” he asserted, illustrating his commitment to holding leaders accountable while allowing them the space to learn from their experiences.

Additionally, KRG spoke about his connections within the government, expressing optimism about a future dialogue with President Ruto.

“I know my message has reached him, and I believe he will call me for a sit-down to discuss how we can address the concerns of the youth,” he said, demonstrating his commitment to collaborative solutions and positive change.

As he navigates the complexities of the political landscape, KRG The Don remains steadfast in his belief in loyalty, patience, and understanding as pillars of progress in Kenya.

Related: KRG: Most of the Gen Z don’t even know where their fathers live