Khaligraph Jones holding the mic with a mean face

Khaligraph Jones beseeches Kibra residents to vote for Octopizzo

2 mins read

The search of Kibra Member of Parliament has become one of the highly contested seat in Kenya today after the sudden demise of the former Member of Parliament, Kenneth Okoth.

Also read: “I was born in Kibra, I know what people go through on a daily basis” DJ Kriss Darlin reveals why he’s the best candidate to replace Ken Okoth

Apart from Kenneth Okoth’s brother, Imram Okoth being one of the contestant to vie for the empty seat at the Kibra constituency, other contestant like McDonald Mariga, Kriss Darlin even rapper CMB ‘Jackson Makini’ Prezzo showed interest to vie for the seat.

Even though McDonald Mariga has been allegedly disqualified because he is not a registered voter, Kibra constituency still remains one of the highly contested seats in Kenya today.

Octopizzo in a suit
everybody who knows anything in Kenya knows that Octopizzo has been representing his hood, Kibera since day one and he has to some extent become synonymous to Kibera since he wants anybody and everybody from Kibera to be empowered in any way possible. photo credit: Instagram/octopizzo

With that being said, fellow rapper Khaligraph Jones has taken his time to beseech Kibra residents to highly consider rapper Octopizzo real name Henry Ohanga as their Member of Parliament because he has been representing them through his music since day one.

It has not been confirmed whether Khaligraph Jones is in jest or in earnest while endorsing Octopizzo for the Kibra seat but from his post he shared a couple of hours ago, it looks legit.

“KIBRA PEOPLE MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, He has been Reppin Kibera Number Nane to the Fullest, Vote pizzo de King 👌, Pizzo De #respecttheogs” Khaligraph Jones captioned a photo of Octopizzo flying the KANU banner.