Aslay. Photo/Screengrab.

Aslay struggles to hold tears back as he recalls his mother’s tragic death 

2 mins read

Aslay painfully recalled how he managed to bring his parents out of poverty only for his mother to die even before she enjoyed the new-found wealth.

The Tanzanian singer became a superstar at an early age after his song ‘Naenda Kusema’ blew up in 2014, dominating airwaves across the region.

Aslay built a house for his parents before his mother’s death when he was only 13 years old.

“I was able to build a house for my parents when I was 13 years old at the time. I built a house because my mother and father were living together,” Aslay said during an interview with Millard Ayo.

The Bongo singer noted that his mother was his finance manager because he was too young to understand the intrigues of money.

He noted that his mother’s influence during that period greatly contributed to the decision to build the family home first, contrary to what some young artistes who buy cars first when they become famous.

“I didn’t have the power to say I would buy a car or buy house first while I was there because my mother was in control of everything,” he said.

The artist added that the influence of his mother ensured that he had invested in real estate projects because without her he would probably have spent money on temporary things.

Aslay struggled to hold back tears while recalling the things his mother did for him before she died.

“I can say that I have built myself but with the great strength of my mother Mariam, a mother cannot always be bad in any interpretation you can think of. My mother was a good person and she liked to see my success, even though until she passed on I don’t think she benefited much from my sweat.

“I have come to achieve great success when my mother has already passed away, but my mother was a person who loved to see her son reach certain places,” Aslay said with tears in his eyes.