Karen Nyamu and Samidoh. Photo/Courtesy

Karen Nyamu strongly opposes the deployment of Samidoh to Haiti

2 mins read

Karen Nyamu doesn’t want her baby daddy Samidoh to be among the 1,000 police officers that the government intends to deploy to Haiti.

Apart from being a Mugithi singer, Samidoh is also a police officer with the National Police Service (NPS).

Nyamu strongly opposed the suggestion of sending Samidoh to Haiti while engaging with a fan on the comment section on Facebook.

“Sasa Samidoh atumwe Haiti,” Boybey Joe commented.

“Labda Haiti ikuje huku,” Karen Nyamu replied.


Earlier, Samidoh himself dismissed suggestions of his deployment to Haiti.

Luo Benga singer Prince Indah suggested that Samidoh should be among the 1,000 police officers that the government intends to deploy to Haiti.

“Ama Samidoh aende tu Haiti?🤔,” Prince Indah posed.

Responding to Prince Indah’s post, Samodoh sarcastically asked if Haiti could not be brought to Kenya.

“Hawawezi leta Haiti?” Samidoh commented on Prince Indah’s post.

Kenya offered to lead a Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission in Haiti to restore peace amid ongoing widespread gang violence that has plagued the Caribbean nation for years.

The United Nations Security Council on October 2, 2023, approved a multinational force to assist in Haiti quell the widespread gang violence.

The 15-member council voted overwhelmingly in favour, with 13 approving a Kenya-led mission to Haiti. The remaining two countries on the council — Russia and China — abstained, citing fears over Haiti’s troubled history with foreign involvement.

In July 2023, Kenya volunteered to lead the international force, promising to deploy a contingent of 1,000 police officers to help train and assist Haitian police.

Gang violence in Haiti has displaced approximately 200,000 residents and killed 3,000 people this year alone, with 1,500 more kidnapped for ransom.

Some Kenyan leaders and ordinary citizens alike have expressed skepticism with the government’s ability to quell the gang violence in Haiti.

Many people wondered how the Kenyan mission to Haiti would be successful when Kenya itself has failed to deal with incidences of insecurity across the country.


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