Kajala and her daughter Paula had an ugly altercation while camping in Bagamoyo where they had gone for a family retreat.
The altercation was filmed on the reality series ‘Behind The Gram’ which features the lives of Paula and her daughter Kajala.
In the latest episode, mother and daughter clashed when Paula sneaked Rayvanny into her tent while camping with her mom Kajala who was sleeping in a different tent.
Kajala was seen rushing to Paula’s tent before she confronted her about sneaking Rayvanny into her tent.
“Paula, Paula. Hebu niambie nini kimefanyika? Nani huyo nimeona akitoka hapa sasa hivi? Niko serious. Nani amekuwa hapa,” Kajala angrily asked her daughter.

In her response, the 20-year-old model boldly told her mother that it was musician Rayvanny who was with her in her tent.
An angry Kajala reminded Paula about the plans for the meeting and asked her why she took the step of inviting the NLM boss to her tent.
“Uumekuja huku kufanya nini, na tulitakiwaa kuja wangapi labda, na kwa nini umlete Ray wakati unajua mimi nipo. Kwa hivyo hujali kunihusu,” Kajala ranted.
Paula answered her mother by reminding her that she too has her own life and that she never questioned her when she went to Harmonize.
“Mimi nilikuacha ukaenda kwa Harmo, nikakaa mwenyewe. Na mimi niko na maisha yangu. Wewe ulijali,” Paula told her mother.
Kajala was displeased with her daughter’s response and she quickly pounced on her her sister who was with them stopped them from fighting.