Jeez! leaked photos of Betty Kyalo and Hassan Joho. why same shoes?

1 min read

Kenyan social media was abuzz when divorce rumors of Betty and husband Dennis first time surfaced online after the debacle that saw Prezzo misbehaving on a live cast with the KTN news anchor.

Such rumors have refused to literally die away as more damning allegations emerged with rumor mills pointing accusing fingers to one governor.

Gossip blogs carried stories of an alleged romantic relationship between Betty and Joho, what is highly believed to have been a rock in their six months marriage.

Biggest Kaka cannot independently verify whether the said allegations are true or not. Let’s wait for the white smoke.

Why then would the two rock same designer shoes at one event? Who bought Betty this pair of shoes which cost Ksh 60,000? I don’t know.

Take a look at these pictures.


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