Njambi Koikai funeral. Photos/Courtesy

Photos: Jahmby Koikai laid to rest in emotional ceremony

2 mins read

Late media personality and beloved reggae MC, Jahmby Koikai, was laid to rest at Lang’ata Cemetery in Nairobi County, with thousands of reggae fans, celebrities, and politicians in attendance.

The somber ceremony reflected the deep grief felt by those who gathered to bid farewell.

Tears flowed freely as Jahmby’s casket was lowered into the ground, and fresh roses covered the gravesite.

The poignant scene captured the collective sorrow of the mourners, who had come to pay their final respects to a cherished figure in the reggae and media community.

The funeral, streamed live by the Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya coalition, was hosted by renowned radio host Mbusi Deh and media personality Bernard Ndong’.

The event featured heartfelt tributes, including a moving speech by nominated senator Gloria Orwoba. Senator Orwoba revealed that efforts to establish an endometriosis center in Jahmby’s honor were already underway, supported by the First Lady’s office.

“Today I stand before you very sad,” Senator Orwoba said. “First, to the family of Jahmby, I want to pass a message from the First Lady, who has been trying to intervene where she could. I hope we will be working with her office to implement Jahmby’s legacy of having an endometriosis center. I pass her condolences.”

Jahmby’s father explained the decision to bury her at Lang’ata Cemetery, highlighting the family’s desire for her to rest close to her grandmother.

Jahmby Koikai, known for her vibrant personality and contributions to the reggae scene, passed away at Nairobi Hospital on June 4, 2024, after a prolonged battle with endometriosis. Her body was initially moved to Lee Funeral Home in preparation for the burial.

The loss of Jahmby has left a significant void in the media and reggae communities, but her legacy, including the potential establishment of an endometriosis center, promises to continue her advocacy and impact for years to come.

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