Wahu is one of the pioneers in the Kenyan music industry and she has managed to stay relevant through the years but more importantly stayed true to her fans and that’s what makes her unique from other artistes in Kenya.
Wahu just released a gospel song ‘Sifa’ actually her first which she wrote when she was low in her life

“Life is full of ups and downs. As an artist, sometimes I take advantage of my various emotions for the sake of artistic expression. Riding an emotional wave” so to speak. Well, I wrote SIFA when I was going through a really low point in my life. I could have written a dark song that captured the essence of how I felt. I could have poured out my pain into an emotional song, which would have been perfectly ok, but I didn’t. ” Wahu Kagwi who is the wife to yet another sensational artiste, Nameless claimed.
The musician opened up about how God scatters her enemies which ideally are not physical but spiritual beings and how happy she gets the more she praises God on a daily basis.
“Instead and to encourage myself, I turned to my Heavenly Father, asking Him for a way out of my darkness. As I turned to Him, I began to recall parts of scripture that I was taught early in my life. “In everything give thanks” (Thessalonians 5:18); “The thief comes to kill still and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life in abundance” (John 10:10) and that there is power and victory in praise (Joshua 6) As hard as it was, I began to give God thanks and praise, just like David in the bible who lifted praise to God as a way of finding strength, comfort and peace as he went through trying times. What I have personally found is the more I praise God, the lighter my heart becomes, and the more strength and joy I experience. In the song, I proclaim that my enemies are scattered. Just to clarify, the enemies I talk of are not human beings ☺. The bible says in Ephesians 6, that our battles are spiritual, not physical; As such, it only follows that our weapons should be spiritual, not physical. So there’s no physical person being “scattered”; but I have every confidence that my Father in all his might has scattered all spiritual forces that raise themselves against His will for my life, in Jesus name. The same is true for you, if only you believe. Please listen, enjoy and be uplifted. Remember the battle was won when Jesus died on the cross. Claim your victory and walk into your purpose in faith, putting God before all. Be blessed. One love.” – She continued.
Watch the music video for ‘Sifa’ below