Bahati and Diana Maru. Photos/Courtesy

“I kissed a fellow woman twice” Diana Marua confesses 

1 min read

Diana Marua has confessed that she deeply kissed another woman but insisted that she didn’t sleep with the lady she smooched.

Diana admitted this very harsh truth in their brain-teasing game where they were asking each other questions with her husband Bahati and then each of them had to choose between answering the truth or being punished for doing something strange.

Bahati asked Diana Marua if she had ever kissed and even been in a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex as her.

Diana replied saying that yes she has fought kisses with another woman but she has never been in a romantic relationship with a woman.

“I have fought kisses but I have never been in a relationship. It was a while back in the party days. I kissed like twice, one time I was drunk and the other time I was sober,” Diana answered.

Bahati jokingly told her that now he will start to control some of her female friends.

He further asked his wife about something she did that was illegal.

“There is nothing else illegal that I have done apart from smoking weed,” Diana said.

Initially, Bahati told his wife that his biggest fear about being in a relationship with her was being caught cheating.

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