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HOT! Kayvo Kforce drops a single dedicated to his mother with the help of Mr. Ke4

1 min read

Rapper Kforce has dedicated a single to his mother dubbed ‘Letter to Mama’ together with fellow rapper Mr. Ke4 appreciating what their mothers and every mothers in the world have done in their lives to make them be a better person and it was only poetic for it to be released on the Mothers day.

“Having a loving and caring, strict over protective Mother helped me and my Brothers avoid the temptations that plague poverty stricken youth in my ghetto Kibera.” Kayvo Kforce’s said about his mother in a recent post he posted on the gram.

This song is a single that is bound to be here for a while because everybody can relate to and the cameo in the music video helps drive the point home of how mothers changes us and mould us to becoming better people in life.

This is the first time Kayvo Kforce has released a single like this in his long career so it’s a special single. Watch ‘Letter To Mama’ below.


I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.