Harmonize suffered a major setback after Kenyan music producer Magix Enga successfully petition Google to have ‘Uno’ pulled down from YouTube on grounds of copyright infringement.
Magix Enga had given the Bongo singer a 7 day ultimatum to pull down his latest song ‘Uno’. He accused Harmonize of sampling beats for ‘Uno’ from King Kaka’s hit song ‘Dundaing’ (which he produced) without his approval.
Magix Enga’s 7-day ultimatum to Harmonize expired and he decided to petition Google to have ‘Uno’ pulled down from YouTube on grounds of copyright infringement.
‘Uno’ was ultimately pulled down to the surprise of Harmonize’s fans. A search for the song on YouTube indicates the video is no longer available.
Harmonize through his manager Mjerumani issued a statement after the Kenyan producer successfully petitioned YouTube to delete ‘Uno’.
Mjerumani acknowledged the ban saying YouTube was still reviewing the alleged copyright infringement claim made by Magix Enga. She further stressed that ‘Uno’ will be back on YouTube.

“Tumepata Taarifa kutoka Youtube kwamba mtu mmoja ambae inasemekana kutoka nchi jirani Kenya, ametuma barua pepe kudai umililiki wa wimbo wetu Pendwa #UNO. Aidha kwa taratibu zao YouTube ni lazima wauweka private wakati wakiendelea na taratibu za kudhihirisha madai hayo. Tunachukua Nafasi hii Kuwaomba Mashabiki wetu na wapenzi wa Harmonize,Kuwa Watulivu Wakati jambo hili linashughulikiwa. Aidha Tunaimani Wimbo wetu Utarudi baada ya muda sio mrefu. Tunawashukuru kwa sapoti yenu. Mungu Awabariki.Asanten sana” said Mjerumani in a statement.