Finally! Gospel Sensational Singer, Bahati Opens Up About Why He Always Wakes Up Very Early In The Morning And Make Music

2 mins read

Bahati is a force to reckon with and his name is a brand on its own as whenever anyone talks about him, heads turns and many people glee because they appreciate the artiste, his music and what he has been able to achieve in the music business thus far. The ‘KuchuKuchu’ hit maker has really been through enough in this lifetime and surprisingly that’s not the only reason that he always push himself to the limit to be the best he can be, both musically and in life generally. Apparently the force that always pushes him to bring the best out of himself and be the best in what he does right now is FEAR, yes fear, fear of letting down the folks from the ghetto who looks up to him and see him as a role model, fear of disappointing ABC Kenya Society(this is the children home where he was practically raised) , fear of disappointing and letting down his three children; Morgan, Rose and Purity who looks up to him as a father figure and who solely depends on him and finally he fears letting down the African child who he deeply believe he was born to speak for.

Here’s a snippet of what he wrote expressing himself about the thoughts of giving up and why he will never give up anytime soon in what he is doing, praising God through music and being a philanthropist and a role model while at it.

#DEAR…… Anytime I feel Like Giving Up I think About You.. Think about the Ghettos that Look Up to Me… The Society that I have to Speak Hope to.. I think about ABC Kenya Children Home a place I called home someday… I think about My Angels Morgan, Rose & Purity… And at My Lowest Moment I think about the African Child that I was Born to Speak to… This is the Reason I wake up Each Morning!!! Called to be #VOICEOFTHEAFRICANCHILD

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.