Femi One has nothing but respect and admiration to the formidable hip hop group Wakadinali for its loyal fanbase and consistency in the rap game over the years despite the challenges they had to go through coming up in the music industry. Photo credit: Instagram/femi_one, wakadinali
Femi One has nothing but respect and admiration to the formidable hip hop group Wakadinali for its loyal fanbase and consistency in the rap game over the years despite the challenges they had to go through coming up in the music industry. Photo credit: Instagram/femi_one, wakadinali

Femi One is impressed by Wakadinali, really impressed!

Femi One is 100% impressed by Wakadinali(Scar, Sewer Sydaa, Domani Munga) for what they've managed to achieve as underground artistes

2 mins read

Femi One is as real as it gets when it comes to the Kenyan rap and hip hop and scene and when they say that “real recognizes real, they truly mean that”.

The newly crowned face of Monster Energy Drink had something good to say about one of the most powerful, most dominant, most versatile, most followed underground hip hop today across the East African region, Wakadinali.

First off, Femi One is an actual fan of the rap group that comprises of Sewer Sydaa, Scar, and Domani Munga(Wakadinali) for her to make such a remarkable statement like the one she did a couple of days ago.

Femi One said that there hasn’t been any other rap and/or hip hop group in the history of the vast Kenyan music industry who have been as dominant as Wakadinali has been over the years who commands a huge following on social media like the formidable group Wakadinali, and for them to achieve such a feat, is nothing short of impressive.

Also read Femi One claps back at the defunct Ochungulo Family

“Y’all can say whatever about Wakadinali but I’ve never seen an underground hip hop artist doing hardcore rap in Kenya with that much following/fans ni kama movement(it’s like a movement) and that’s impressive!” Femi One shared on social media.

For Femi One to cosign Wakadinali like that without provocation means that Wakadinali is among the top hip hop acts in the country today and if you’ve had the opportunity to listen to their projects and songs, you too might become their loyal stan.

There’s actually no other rapper or hip hop groups in the country who rap and talk about the hardcore lifestyle the way Wakadinali does in the music. They are believed to be the Kings of Eastlands, literally, all neighborhoods in the Eastlands area love to see them shine, win and represent them fully.

The hip hop group has since grown to become a powerful music group helping to put the Kenyan hip hop scene in the international scene now that they might have surpassed their Kenyan market plateau.

I am a Pan-Afrikanist to the core and love to let the world know what they are missing in Africa. I might do that through music and some interesting posts from time to time so please bare with me.

I will always be real though, that's a guarantee.