Eric Wainaina performing at the Live At The Elephant

Eric Wainaina composes a song in honor of Mike Sonko and the Jubilee government

4 mins read

Eric Wainaina has been known all over the country for being one of the boldest musicians Kenyans has ever had in the recent past.

The multi-talented artiste once released a rather controversial hit song ‘Nchi ya Kitu Kidogo’ a couple of years later questioning the government at that time, Moi’s regime, which was utterly unheard of.

Eric Wainaina got the entire country singing the ‘Nchi ya Kitu Kidogo’ hit record from start to the finish with some if not all Kenyans commending him for being the bravest one to say what most citizens were afraid to say.

Eric Wainaina is one patriotic artiste having yet another hit song dubbed ‘Daima’ which has a catchy catchphrase on it that reads; “Daima mimi mKenya, Mwananchi mzalendo” which translates to “I am always a Kenyan, a patriotic citizen” in English. Most Kenyans hold that excerpt from the song in their dear hearts till this day.

Eric Wainaina together with his band performing live at Live At The Elephant earlier on this year. Photo credit: Instagram/ericwainainamusic. Photo taken by Instagram/@_akala
Eric Wainaina together with his band performing live at Live At The Elephant earlier on this year. Photo credit: Instagram/ericwainainamusic. Photo taken by Instagram/@_akala

Taking to social media, Eric Wainaina shared a song that he composed which he hasn’t given a name yet where he tells Jubilee and Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko they are going to jail.

“@mikesonko I never want anyone to be treated with indignity even though if this was an eye for an eye we should be lining up to slap you like you did on video to a free Kenyan. I wish for you that you live a life of dignity-with books, television, conjugal visits, regular visits, no fleas, no vectors of any kind- but in jail for a period that fits the crime. And for all those tweeting in support of you claiming that you’ve been abandoned I say, not to worry. We’ll go for your political enemies too. Here’s a song you can dance to in the meantime.” he wrote on Instagram.

screenshot of Eric Wainaina's post about jubilee and Mike Sonko

Watch the video of him performing the song he wrote for Mike Sonko and Jubilee below and also go down the memory lane and watch ‘Daima’  underneath.