Enock Bella dancing with his alleged Kenyan girlfriend

Enock Bella seen with his alleged Kenyan girlfriend having the best moment of his life

2 mins read

Kenya has basically become Enock Bella’s second home especially after he signed to Vekta Kenya’s Alka Productions where he has been releasing his singles under.

Being a huge Tanzanian star known from the popular defunct all-boys band group Yamoto Band, Enock Bella has loyal fans who always wants to capture his attention by seeking him out with various gimmicks just like most celebrities does and he is used to that sort of palaver.

What the Tanzanian hitmaker who recently released a record with the Kenyan love child, Wyre has not been used to in the recent past is getting seen with women leave alone his girlfriend,(that’s if he has one prior to this little expose).

Wyre, Enock Bella and Vekta Kenya sharing a light moment a couple of days back. photo credit: Instagram/vektakenya
Wyre, Enock Bella and Vekta Kenya sharing a light moment a couple of days back. photo credit: Instagram/vektakenya

Enock Bella was seen having the best time of his life partying his troubles away with one unidentified woman who according to the city’s grapevine and a reliable tip is his alleged Kenyan girlfriend who he didn’t intent to share with the world just yet.

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One paparazzi was able to take compromising photos of the Tanzanian talented artiste having the best time of his life with the mentioned unidentified woman who was very much enjoying his company as much as Enock Bella was. If she’s indeed his girlfriend, it’s only a matter of time before everybody catches wind of her and thus knowing her name in the process.

Here are the photos of Enock Bella and his alleged new Kenyan girlfriend.

I am a Pan-Afrikanist to the core and love to let the world know what they are missing in Africa. I might do that through music and some interesting posts from time to time so please bare with me.

I will always be real though, that's a guarantee.