Elodie Zone sexually harassed by 3 men after wandering the streets alone past 11pm curfew hours

2 mins read

Elodie Zone recently revealed that she was a victim of sexual assault over the weekend, the YouTuber has since come out to disclose more details about what happened to her.

In a post on social media, Elodie shocked her fans when she revealed that she had to choose between sexual assault, death, or both over the past weekend.

The YouTuber said that she was being driven home by a friend, and after a quarrel with him he threw her out of his car in Westlands area past the 11pm curfew time.

“Hey, a lot of you have been asking what happened to me the other night. i don’t wanna go into too much detail, but after an event in Westlands, a friend was drunk and he left me on the side of the road past curfew after a fight,” wrote Elodie.

Adding that;

“As I walked home cops found me and began harassing me. I called the friend to help me moments before my phone died and he never came back. I saw him turn the car around and drive right passed me. the cops (3 men) began to physically grab me before forcing me into a car. We drove around Lavington for a while before a stranger came to my rescue.”

Elodie further said that she was still traumatized by the experience and didn’t want to speak to anybody just yet.

“If I know you personally, please don’t call me to talk about it. i need space as i move forward. i never talk badly about people online, but to the friend that left me, karma will deal with you,” Elodie wrote.