Comedian and host, Karis who is currently signed by fellow comedian Daniel “Churchill” Ndambuki is one of the revered Kenyan comedians in the country and is happy to have been blessed with a bouncing baby boy.
The comedian just came back from a lucrative gig in Minnesota, America where he was performing at the Minnesota Comedy Night alongside fellow comedian, Butita with also performing with Njoro on a different show where they[Butita, Njoro, Karis] together performed at the Black Friday comedy family show in Seattle only to be received with the good news of his son being born while he was away.
Karis is elated to be the new daddy in town as he shared a photo of his new-born son as soon as he landed from America.
“While I was away, God gave us the greatest gift daddy and mummy loves you son.” his caption read.
Congratulations are in order to Karis for his bundle of joy.
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While i was a way,God gave us the Greatest gift daddy and mummy loves you son.😘😍💕😘😘😍💕😍😘