This is what Babu Owino told DP Ruto after the Prisca Bett saga

1 min read

Deputy President William Ruto is being made fun of by Kenyans after Prisca Chemutai Bett claimed that he allegedly does not provide for their child Abby. Babu Owino had something to say too.

The DP has rubbished the claims saying that Prisca Bett has sired more kids with other men who should hence take responsibility as well.

Read also: Deputy President William Ruto sued for not paying child support by Prisca Chemutai

Babu Owino had this to say, “Let me take this opportunity to officially welcome DP Ruto to team mafisi SACCO!”

And Kenyans on Twitter went on and in:

I thought DP ruto humwaga machozi pekee…smh

Read also: photos of Prisca Chemutai Bett lady accusing DP Ruto of being a dead beat dad

Hey, Dp Ruto now try hit & run a Twitter hunnie

Baba Abby / DP Ruto commissioned this project in 2006 and officially launched it in 2017 a few months before the elections


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