There are rumours that the very talented musician has fallen on hard times due her heavy consumption of drugs and liquor are truly unsettling and hard to stomach if true.

That things are so bad that during the Coke Studio Premiere party at the Kiza Lounge last Sunday, photographers tried to take a picture of Dela with Mwalimu Rachel and Patricia Kihoro without any success.
A source quoted by SDE said, ” Everyone knows Dela is going through some things. Just the other day she walked into a club in Westlands with ill-fitting baggy clothes that she had to hold to cover her nakedness. She parties real hard, smoking and drinking and sometimes she gets the people around her in real trouble.”
The source is a celebrity who was overheard speaking to one of her friends at the same party. If you look at recent photos of Dela, it looks like she has aged very rapidly with black spots around her lips.

Compare this photo of her in her younger days and the ones she has taken recently. We here at biggestkaka hope that the rapid change in her appearance is not drug-related but something else that will be revealed that is less nefarious.