The youth have been ranting about exclusion in the government in the wake of recent appointments where Uhuru Kenyatta president appointed the likes of Mr Eric Kiraithe, Hon. Franklin Bett, Mr Francis Kimemia, Major General Hussein Ali among others into the government.
My opinion is the president has not broken any law by doing so. He is not required by law to appoint youths into leadership position (unlike under the 30% procurement rule which is clear). But even if the president was to appoint the youth, the youths most likely to be appointed would be the sons, daughters and grand children of the wazees he’s appointing now. They will fit the bill as youths, most are highly educated (mostly in foreign university) and have some level of experience having been placed in good jobs through patronage. They represent status quo.
The chances of the son of a peasant Kenyan getting appointed is almost zero. This begs a question what can the youths of the peasant do? They should challenge the status quo and this can only be done through a REVOLUTION. Revolutions take sacrifice, unfathomable courage and yes tears and in many cases blood shed (as the status quo will not take the challenge lying down). But how many youths are ready to sacrifice their lives so that their brothers, sisters, friends or children will have a better country? Most likely zero. Even if such a revolution were to be mooted, the status quo would dismantle it through bribes, propaganda, playing the tribal card and of course state violence (police and other security organs). The second route and a very peaceful option would be through the ballot. Through the ballot, the youths can overwhelmingly reject bad leaders and vote in better leaders. But can we do so when we fight every day on social media for our tribal kings? The youthful sons will forever remain pawns in the game until they fight for their rightful place on the table and play the game.
If we have no courage to bring change through the ballot or through revolution (peaceful or otherwise), we should just shut up as we deserve the treatment we get from our tribal lords.