Yvete Obura denies wrecking Bahati's marriage, says she is dating another Kamba man
Yvette Obura, Bahati and Diana Marua. Photo/courtesy

Yvete Obura denies wrecking Bahati’s marriage, says she is dating another Kamba man

1 min read

Bahati’s baby mama Yvette Obura has stressed that she has zero intentions of getting back together with the singer amid ongoing beef with Diana Marua.

Yvette was forced to address speculations that she caused friction in Bahati’s marriage while participating in a live online question-and-answer session on Instagram.

Netizens asked her to talk about the whole saga brewing between her and Bahati as well as Diana Marua.

In her response, Yvete Obura rebuked those who say that even after breaking up with Bahati, she still loves the musician, which she vehemently denied saying that for more than two years now, she has been dating another lover and what makes her close to Bahati is their daughter Mueni.

“Am not dating Bahati, I have a lover who is a Kamba. Bahati is not the only Kamba. People should stop saying that am holding onto someone’s husband. I have been dating another person for two years. I am not holding onto Bahati, he is my child’s father I can’t change that,” Yvette said.

Yvette Obura also denied allegations by Diana who said she was ungrateful and bitter.

“Even you guys know there are things I don’t talk about. When I don’t address such things you say I am a bad person and when I address them you still say I am a bad person.”