you will cry after reading Ababu Namwamba’s letter to Raila Odinga and CORD members!

1 min read

Intimidation never wins the hearts and minds of the people. Violence, hate, and bile cannot capture power in a democracy.

In the strongest terms possible, I condemn the beastly assault of Bungoma-based Journalist Moses Masinde by the despicable armed goons who accompanied ODM leader Rt. Hon Raila Odinga to Budalangi yesterday.

The goons also injured innocent locals. Mr. Masinde was beaten senseless, his camera destroyed and footage confiscated by the Men-in-Black criminal gang that also infamously disrupted the party elections at Kasarani on February 28, 2014. Mr. Masinde’s only crime was recording Budalangi residents expressing their true feelings, something that obviously ran contrary to the careful script of imported crowds and hired cheering squad.

Mr. Masinde reported the assault at Port Victoria Police Station and has been treated at Webuye Hospital. It’s quite telling that instead of condemning this stone-age jungle conduct, ODM officials have instead spewed more insults and threats against journalists covering their firefighting mission in Western Kenya.

Our land and our people cherish peace and harmonious coexistence. That is the essence of our “MULEMBE” identity. Please just convey your message peacefully. Journalists do not create news. They simply report what is. And pictures/footage don’t lie.