You used to beat me in high school so I ate your sister in university! Man leaks video of his bullies sister

1 min read

I endorse this form of revenge!

Some of you were bullied and pushed around and it made you depressed. You cried and begun to hate school and it defined not just who you were in high school but in life thereafter. But not this chap. He decided to nurse his grudge as he went about bettering himself. Then when the lass joined university, he figured it was the right time to strike.

And strike he did.

Fortunately for everyone involved, the lass had fun as she unwittingly acted the accomplice to her brother’s victim’s vindication. that’s right the lass got to enjoy herself as her brother’s victim exacted his revenge. Check out the video that was shared of events before they unfolded:

And the moral of this story is; be careful whom you bully. The lad in question might just turn out to be an unscrupulous Don Juan type who involves your family in his pursuit of vengeance.

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