Willy Paul brought the house down at Nkopang festival in Samburu

1 min read

Willy Paul just came back from a tour of Samburu which saw him perform for his fans there who were more than happy to see him there in the first place. Whilst there, Willy Paul had some motivation to share with the youth who came out to see him perform at the Nkopang festival.

“Youth from Samburu county should make good use of their talents to earn income and improve their lives.” he exclusively told the Samburu youth.

The Nkopang festival was organized by Khaleed Kenya of Glass entertainment and Vekta Kenya of Alka Productions.

Willy Paul and Vekta Kenya of Alka Production who was a part of the organizers for the Willy Paul's show in Samburu.
Willy Paul and Vekta Kenya of Alka Production who was a part of the organizers for the Willy Paul’s show in Samburu.

Also read: Nyashinski beats Willy Paul and Bahati to have the most streamed gospel song in 2018

Among those who were present, renowned comedians MCA Tricky and Fred Omondi, Zeddy, Gadafi, Babu Comedians, Saningo, Mem C, Cosy, DJ Claws, DJ Aleto, DJ Pablo, Khaleed, and Miss Tourism Kenya 2018, Samburu County were also present at the Nkopang festival in Samburu at the Allaman Hall Maralal.

Check out the photos of Willy Paul performing for multitude of his fans in Samburu who came out to see him perform his hit records back to back with most of them singing in unison together with him.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.