wife of Jubilee M.P caught with a white man! even wealthy men get sliced!

1 min read

The wife in this story gives me some hope. If a man who earns over half a million shillings a month can be sliced, then any man can be sliced. A first-time Member of Parliament from the Rift Valley has become a  laughing stock among other members in the August House after his wife was found eating fruits from another garden. The wife has taken a sudden liking to white grapes instead of black grapes. Hehehe!

cheating meme. photo credit: imgflip

The M.P who is a staunch and very vocal supporter of the Jubilee government apparently still hasn’t found out. His peers know about it and while you would think that they would at least pull him aside and tell him, none of that has happened. They prefer to see him as the class clown.

“Grapevine” has spotted the MP’s wife with the white man attending events that are very clear of what types of fruit she is enjoying. Some of the M.Ps’ who know about the wife’s indiscretions were laughing that the cuckold was busy defending Jubilee instead of defending his boma.

Me, I don’t know. My experience in this area is that there will always be a rationalization for the cheater. But what do I know anyway?



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